Friday, 4 January 2008

Campaign for a Leith Museum

Campaign for a Leith Museum

Mark Lazarowicz MP (Edinburgh North & Leith) is heading the steering group which has been established to further promote the campaign for a Leith Museum. Mark says;
There have been numerous calls and campaigns for a Museum in Leith for nigh on sixty years and still one of the most historic communities in Scotland, does not have a permanent full time museum.

The current Campaign, clearly has huge support from numerous members of the community, including local Councillors and community organisations. And why not! Leith is undergoing massive change and what better a time to establish a Museum showcasing our history so the Old Leith is not forgotten.
Why does Leith deserve a museum? Well according to many, it will strengthen community links at a time of rapid social change, and will highlight Leith's important role in the history of Scotland as a whole. Some would say that a museum will inform, educate and enlighten this and future generations to what is, was and can be the future for Leith.
A recent article in the local press went on:
In May of last year at Leith’s Ocean Terminal there was a stall publicising the upcoming annual Leith Festival. Part of the stall was given over to the Petition for a Leith Museum.
The support was encouraging, but there were also questions asked. The FAQ’s can be paraphrased as:
Where is the Leith Museum? And
Are you campaigning about the closure of the Leith Museum?
Question two is somewhat irrelevant, but question one, needs not an answer but questions, not where but why and why not.
There is simply not a Leith Museum because in the distant past Museums were National Buildings and collections, celebrating the wider aspects of historic and otherwise important events.
Mark comments on the fact that there have been previous attempts to establish a museum for Leith
One of these campaigns got as far as creating a Leith Museum Trust, the ideas (or ideals) came before the Council only to be referred to some sub-committee, and subsequently lost in the mists of time.
These previous attempts were not sponsored by just any old ‘Leithers’ but by Peers of the Realm, MP’s, the Clergy, Academics, Councillors and members of Leith Commerce and Industry. To no avail.
The people of Leith do not think they need a Museum, they think that Leith deserves a Museum.
When you consider the impact of the part the Port and Town of Leith has had on the History of Scotland, let alone Edinburgh, you become to realise why this feeling exists.
The current campaign started on two fronts, both with the same aim. Members of the Leith Local History society approached Mark with their thoughts with which he agreed and decided to test the feelings of the Leith populace by instigating a petition, only a successful showing of support he said would attract the desired interest of the parties in whose hands any decision would lie.
At the same time John Arthur, a Leith historian started another petition aimed directly at the Scottish Parliament and Edinburgh City Council.
Both petitions ran in tandem using different approaches and following the Leith Festival in June 2007, which is the largest gathering of Leith people and visitors to the town in any year, over 3000 signatures had been collected, enough for Mark to confirm that there was in his mind sufficient support to take the matter to the next stage.
A public meeting hosted by Mark, Malcolm Chisholm MSP and town councillor Gordon Munro included on the agenda a discussion re the next steps to be taken. A further meeting of those willing to take an active role in the campaign resulted in the forming of a ‘Steering Group’ to formally promote the more detailed aspects of substantiating the need and consideration of other aspect such as Where, What type of Museum, the Financial details and further support which would allow the campaign to go forward in a professional manner, although still by volunteers.
Meanwhile the Petition to the Scottish Parliament was discussed by the Public Petitions committee at Holyrood where Malcolm Chisholm spoke on behalf of the petitioners.
The matter was referred to various bodies for input and the outcome which will be discussed again by the Committee at Holyrood following which more detailed requirements for the steering group to work against will be known.
Further details about the status of the campaign, comments, views, questions can be found on the following websites or in writing to mark at the address below. It is intended that this newsletter will be published monthly following the Steering Group meetings and will be available in local Libraries, Churches, Organisations etc; If your group would like to be included in the distribution please use the Email or phone No’s below.It will also be published in each monthly edition of the Leith Gazette and on this blogsite.
Mark Lazarovicz MP
86/88 Brunswick Street
Edinburgh EH7 5HU
0131 557 0577
Steve Mitchell – Press & Public Relations


First Leither said...

Brian Ferguson of the Scotsman writes:
ONE of Scotland's best-known entrepreneurs has urged museum bosses to transform one of Leith's most historic buildings into a visitor attraction.

Sir Tom Farmer has vowed to do all he can to help the Customs House be converted into a centre charting the rich heritage of Leith, Newhaven and Granton.

His backing is the biggest boost for a campaign instigated by local historians, which has won the support of councillors, MPs and MSPs. The building, on the Shore, is used as a storage base for the National Museums of Scotland (NMS) and is closed to the public.

Sir Tom, who spoke of his ambitions for the building to a gathering of business leaders in Leith recently, said bringing the building – which dates back to 1812 – back into public use would realise a long-cherished "dream".

He told The Scotsman: "There's no doubt in my mind that Customs House is the finest building in Leith and it's a crying shame that it's not open to the public.

"I think it would be absolutely fantastic were it to become a museum, especially as Leith has such a rich history and for years was Scotland's main port. It's a real dream of mine to see it brought back into public use."

Graham Chapman, a community leader in Leith, said: "Customs House is absolutely ideal for a museum. It's a disgrace that it's only being used to store artefacts at the moment.

"It's in an absolutely perfect location, right on the Shore, and would look amazing if it was properly refurbished and lit up at night."

A spokeswoman for NMS said: "We agree storage is not a good use of the finest building in Leith, but we do not have the funds to construct new facilities at Granton to accommodate these objects.We would need additional, external funding."

First Leither said...

At the recent meeting of the Steering Group it was decided to change the name and corporate Image of the Campaign.
It will now be known as and marketed as the:
"Leith Museum Group"
Campaigning for a Leith Museum.
Details of letter style.logo etc; are being worked on and will be announced shortly.

First Leither said...

Move to screen port's history on cruise liners

AMBITIOUS plans to screen the History of Leith on cruise liners entering the port are being considered to boost tourism.

Campaigners for a new museum for the area want visitors arriving by boat to learn something of Leith's past in the hope of attracting them to spend more time away from Edinburgh city centre.

Ian Gilmour, the minister at South Leith Parish Church, said: "We want to tell people Leith has 1000 years of history and was once Scotland's premier port."

First Leither said...

Leith Museum Group
Campaigning for a Leith Museum

Leith Museum Petition goes back to Parliament

The Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament will discuss the Petition for a second time at their meeting on 19th February 2008.
This follows the consultation documents being responded to after the first consideration in November.
These responses have been encouraging, including:
The Scottish Museums Council supports the principal of a Leith Museum, and encourages us as a group to take the project forward by joining them as members.

The City of Edinburgh Council in their response states: The importance of Leith and its role in Scottish History deserve to be told in a dedicated museum,…and….that the Custom House remains the most appropriate venue for a Museum of Leith.

Scottish Enterprise – Edinburgh & Lothian “has recognised to jointly create an international world-class Waterfront” which includes Leith.

A letter has also been received from the National Museums of Scotland saying that regarding LeithCustom House, as they have indicated previously they would be very happy to be of assistance to the campaign.

Full details can be found at: or from:
Mark Lazarowicz MP
86/88 Brunswick Street
Edinburgh EH7 5HU
0131 557 0577
Steve Mitchell – Press & Public Relations.

NOTE: Leith Museum Group is the adopted public identity for the Campaign for a Leith Museum. The Corporate image will be released following the next Group meeting.
Mark Lazarowicz, MP, Edinburgh North & Leith continues to Chair the Group.

First Leither said...

The Petition for a Leith Museum will go back before the Public Petition Committee at Holyrood next Thursday, 19th February.
You will remember that on the last consideration, the matter was sent out for comment and consultation.
The results of this are in now and are very favourable, but we can't allow it to rest at that.
Can you take a few minutes to write to any or all of those listed in the attachment, asking them to WRITE to Committee members and the Clerk to the Committee endorsing their already tacit support.
Written submissions are recorded on the Parliament website.
If you would like any further information use the links below.
Thanks for your support.
A happy New-seum.
Edinburgh North & Leith – MSP
Lothian List MSP’s – Your elected representatives
Public Petition Committee Members (Convenor) (Deputy Convenor)
Edinburgh City Councilors

First Leither said...



N E W S F L A S H...


The Petition for a Leith Museum was heard at the Public Petitions Committee at Holyrood yesterday where the committee unanimously agreed to send the Petition to the Culture Minister with recommendations for further consideration and actions, including the setting up of a Steering Group....

The considerable support received in written submissions for the establishment of this museum and for the preferred use of Leith Custom House as a home for it were good reason for the petition to be taken to a further stage....
Further details will follow after the Museum Group meeting on 22nd February.........
Steve Mitchell...
Press & Public Relations Officer....
Leith Museum Group..
Campaigning for a Leith Museum...
If you would like to support the Campaign for a 'Leith Museum' use this link;
Mark Lazarowicz MP
86/88 Brunswick Street
Edinburgh EH7 5HU
0131 557 0577
For up to date info on progress etc; go to:

You are invited to add comments/questions on both that and this site.

First Leither said...

Local Museums (PE1083)

Public Petitions Committee – Holyrood – 19.02.08.

The Convener: PE1083, by John Arthur, calls on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Executive to support the creation of local museums, such as the proposed Leith museum.

I welcome Malcolm Chisholm, who is the member of the Scottish Parliament covering the historic place of Leith, in the heart of Edinburghers and all that kind of stuff. Malcolm may wish to speak on behalf of the petition.

Malcolm Chisholm: I will speak briefly, as I spoke when the committee previously discussed the petition. I hope, convener, that you will be as generous to me as you were to our colleague a minute ago.

The Convener: It is that time of the afternoon, Malcolm.

Malcolm Chisholm: As committee members know from their papers, since I was last at the committee there has been a response to its consultation. It would be fair to say that it indicates considerable support for the idea of a Leith museum. The case may also have been reinforced by the Scottish Government's recent emphasis on the teaching of Scottish history. I will not go through all the submissions, but I point out that the Scottish Museums Council, which is a key body in the sector, supports the principle. I also refer members to the City of Edinburgh Council's submission, which sums up the case succinctly. It says:

"The importance of Leith and its role in Scottish history deserves to be told in a dedicated museum. Such a museum could provide a community focus for understanding its past, making sense of the present and help build social cohesion in what is a rapidly changing community. It is also the Council's view that a new Museum of Leith could support tourist and economic development."
There are many reasons for supporting such a museum. The council also states:

"Leith Customs House ... remains the most appropriate venue for a museum of Leith."

That is also the overwhelming view of the community, I think. The focus of the Leith museum group, which has been campaigning for the museum, is now on the customs house, which is owned by National Museums Scotland and used for storage. The group has discussed the customs house with NMS, which wishes to dispose of the building because it needs additional or bigger storage facilities.
The Leith museum group's submission to the committee says:
"We would hope that the Petitions Committee would recommend to the relevant Minister",
that is, the Minister for Europe, External Affairs and Culture,
"that the National Museums be encouraged to enter into a positive dialogue"
—it might now be fairer to say "continue a positive dialogue"—
"with our group to allow us to develop and bring forward a proposal for a Leith Museum Trust to acquire Leith Customs House as a home for a future museum of Leith."

That highlights the connection between the Minister for Europe, External Affairs and Culture and National Museums Scotland, for which she has responsibility.

The Convener: As a former Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport, I am not unattracted to the proposed development. People should keep beavering away at the issue. There is the potential for a very good museum that would make a real difference. People need to be pulled together, and the committee's role should be to encourage momentum. If NMS has a building, we should raise that point with the minister, so that she can discuss the proposal with the agency with responsibility for dealing with buildings that get used for other things. The Big Lottery Fund, the Heritage Lottery Fund and other organisations could be spoken to. We can chat about that.
I imagine that you wish to voice your support, Robin.

Robin Harper: Yes. I declare an interest as a local MSP and a former teacher of history and modern studies. I am a strong supporter of the proposal, and I would like us to approach the Executive for a response and to ascertain what it can do to support the proposal.

The Convener: I have my own views on how best to do that, but I invite other views.

Robin Harper: We should also approach the City of Edinburgh Council.

The Convener: Absolutely.

Nanette Milne: It is an exciting project. I note from its response in relation to the waterfront visitor destination development plan that Scottish Enterprise is seeking consultation feedback pretty soon—next month, in fact. It might be interesting to hear what response it has had. Malcolm Chisholm will know more about this than I do, but I believe that Scottish Enterprise held discussions with local councils about the setting up of the
waterfront project, and I presume that the Leith museum would legitimately form part of that. It would therefore be interesting to get a response from Scottish Enterprise.

The Convener: I suggest that it would be useful, if we are writing to the minister with responsibility for the matter, to ask what she can do by way of an audit or review of the existing buildings, so that a discussion can open up on that. We could ask the minister to consider setting up a working group of officials from the appropriate directorates and, more important, the national agencies, along with the city council. It might be worth getting information about resources and any applications that may be made to the various sources for funding, including Europe, the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund. There is a real chance to create a dynamic that might result in something positive.
Robin Harper: The minister could be invited to respond on what further support and interest she is taking in the Scottish Museums Council, which I believe is on the point of relaunching itself under a different logo—museums galleries Scotland, if I am correct.

The Convener: So, on those recommendations, we are happy to continue to give that kind of tacit and encouraging support to the petition. We will raise the fundamental issues that Malcolm Chisholm and the petitioners raised with us with the relevant Government minister and departments, through correspondence and other communication. I hope that that is helpful.

I thank Malcolm Chisholm for his patience because he came in here at 2 o'clock and is still here are 4.45.

Taken from the committee records, as shown on the relevant Scottish Parliament website:

First Leither said...

A Patron for the - Leith Museum Group

'The Leith Museum Group is pleased to announce that Sir Tom Farmer has agreed to become the Patron of the campaign for a Leith Museum.
Mark Lazarowicz, MP for Edinburgh North & Leith, who is the chairman of the group which has been spearheading the museum campaign, said:

“We are delighted to have this support from such a prominent Scottish businessmen and leading Leither.

I know that Sir Tom has backed the idea of a Leith museum for some time, and his public support will be a big boost for our campaign.
His backing is yet another example of the growing support for a museum for Leith, which makes me confident we will eventually achieve our objective”.

The Leith Museum Group is made up of a cross-section of businesses, organisations and other representatives of the Leith community.

The campaign for a Leith museum has now been backed by more than 3000 people.

The group will shortly be submitting funding applications for a number of interim projects towards its ultimate objective of securing the establishment of a museum for Leith”.

Sir Tom said earlier that he was delighted to give my support to establish a museum for Leith.

The history of Leith, he said, is also central to the history of Edinburgh and Scotland, and deserves a home where its story can be told.

Full details can be found at: or from:
Mark Lazarowicz MP
86/88 Brunswick Street
Edinburgh EH7 5HU
0131 557 0577
Steve Mitchell – Press & Public Relations.

NOTE: Leith Museum Group is the adopted public identity for the Campaign for a Leith Museum. The Corporate image will be released following the next Group meeting.
Mark Lazarowicz, MP, Edinburgh North & Leith continues to Chair the Group.

First Leither said...

Leith Museum Group
(Campaigning for a Leith Museum)

A Patron for the - Leith Museum Group

'The Leith Museum Group is pleased to announce that Sir Tom Farmer has agreed to become the Patron of the campaign for a Leith Museum.

Mark Lazarowicz, MP for Edinburgh North & Leith, who is the chairman of the group which has been spearheading the museum campaign, said:

“We are delighted to have this support from such a prominent Scottish businessmen and leading Leither.

I know that Sir Tom has backed the idea of a Leith museum for some time, and his public support will be a big boost for our campaign.
His backing is yet another example of the growing support for a museum for Leith, which makes me confident we will eventually achieve our objective”.

The Leith Museum Group is made up of a cross-section of businesses, organisations and other representatives of the Leith community.

Its campaign for a Leith museum has now been backed by more than 3000 people.

The group will shortly be submitting funding applications for a number of interim projects towards its ultimate objective of securing the establishment of a museum for Leith”.

Sir Tom said earlier that he was delighted to give my support to establish a museum for Leith. The history of Leith, he said, is also central to the history of Edinburgh and Scotland, and deserves a home where its story can be told.

Full details can be found at: or from:
Mark Lazarowicz MP
86/88 Brunswick Street
Edinburgh EH7 5HU
0131 557 0577
Steve Mitchell – Press & Public Relations.

NOTE: Leith Museum Group is the adopted public identity for the Campaign for a Leith Museum. The Corporate image will be released following the next Group meeting.
Mark Lazarowicz, MP, Edinburgh North & Leith continues to Chair the Group.